Maximize your Collaboration Opportunities by becoming a CEPWM Member.
Professional development
Participation in professional development training and targeted student recruitment activities
Opportunities to commercialize Center intellectual property to include patents, royalties, royalty-free licenses and software
Access to information
Access to a Center information and researchers (knowledge base) to include early access to Center research products, such as reports, papers, posters, research proceedings, and other research products
Sponsored membership
On-location seminars and presentations as well as joint participation that can be provided by researchers as agreed to by sponsoring membership
Access to equipments
Access to University of Wyoming laboratories and analytical equipment that are part of the Center as utilized in Center research, subject to any requirements of the applicable Center and University of Wyoming
Access to tools
Access to Center developed modeling software and online tools
Board member
Participation as an Industrial Advisory Board member. The board will be composed of one representative from each sponsoring member. This board makes recommendations on (a) the research projects to be carried out by Center (b) the apportionment of resources to these research projects, and (c) changes in the bylaws
Membership Participation Activities
There are two meetings per year planned to review ongoing research and discuss board responsibilities. During these meetings, and at any other time, the board members can provide input and feedback on progress, direction and emphasis on initiatives, research and activities.
A 5-year strategic plan will be developed with yearly reviews, feedback and recommendations provide by members. Strategic plan will include elements for review to include vision, mission, strategies, schedule and responsibilities. Linked to the strategic plan will be the research initiatives with budgets, schedules and planned participation.
Membership Levels and Privileges
$2,000 - $10,000/ Year- Non-voting member of the Advisory Board and access to Center generated reports.
$10,000 - $25,000/ Year- Voting member of the Advisory Board and access to Center generated reports, publications, and presentations.
$25,000/ Year- Voting member of the Advisory Board, full access to all Center originated products, and discounted fees for analyses.
Apply for Membership
A sample Center membership agreement can be downloaded through the following link: Application Form. Membership agreements may be modified through negotiations between interested parties and the Center. Please contact Dr. Jonathan Brant ( with any questions on the membership form or for any other assistance.